05 April 2021

Shiny TTRPG links collection #11

This is the eleventh weekly round up of interesting TTRPG things found on the internet, this week there is quite a lot. Previous one found here. Inspired by weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links.

A take on how to run XP at your table that may be of interest - far too detailed for me but a good breakdown of factors to consider.

Aboleth Overlords has a great entry to the FKR world challenge - Ghost Town Slow Crawl - that doubles as an awesome quick town generator for any system.

Hopes and Highlights - a neat business card game that also serves as a quick pit-stop, health check on ongoing campaigns. I like the structure this brings to vague 'do feedback regularly' advice from other places.

Rand Roll has been creating lots of encounter tables tailored to different terrains including a great category of non-combat encounters.

FKR skirmish rules from Lizardman Diaries.

The fearsome Bookwyrm! A great addition for your wizards towers, magical academies and extradimensional libraries.

The Jaculus - a springing dragon from myth brought to the table by Skepti.ch.

Very good walk through and actual play test of overloaded encounter tables in a point-crawl which gives a good view of when to use them; key point to me is that the overloaded table is likely to become a labyrinth and take a while to escape so great where that is appropriate.

Thoughts from d66 Kobolds on how they run an ultralight game that I think are a great benchmark to hold any game against to better understand what things enhance the fun and what things get in the way.

The Planeyfolk from Vaults of Vaarn - living Picasso painting-like descendants of humans who had hypergeometric accidents.

Interesting thoughts from Playing Dice with the Universe on progression through editions of D&D.

Review comparing Worlds Without Number and D&D 5e by Cannibal Halfling.

List of d55 personality traits from Terminal Velocity - poke around further on their blog too, some interesting space setting stuff.

Another 'tour of influences' from Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque.

Populating your hexes - with triangles! An idea from Charlies RPG musings

An journey from joining the hobby back to the OSR with some view on systems - helpful given the wide selection of them out on Sword of Sorcery.

Simplify your life with single number monster stat blocks - HD = AC mod = attack mod = saves mod. Nice idea for keeping things rolling.

A collection of alternate magic systems on Deathtrap Dungeons https://deathtrap-games.blogspot.com/2021/03/alternate-magic-systems.html

A cool set of demon cults on Chaudron Chromatique - brings back her idea of using super-hero gimmicks to define cults.

Wrestling vines - an interesting encounter for jungle environments.

An alternative, slightly less deadly version of level-draining which I like because it could be a more common place signature of the undead.

Pondering the 'reasonable DM' as growing from what we understand reasonable to be.

An example of party roles described for a specific demonic submarine setting.

Big list of 5 tips lists - something in here for every situation.

Thoughts on the use of skills through the lens of old-school gaming.

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