16 September 2024

Shiny TTRPG links #190

More links from about the web! For even more, see the previous list found here or you can check the RPG Blog Carnival or on Third Kingdom Games news roundup. Originally inspired by weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links.

Glass Candles launches blogging challenge GLOGtober '24

Roll to Doubt gives us Setting up an OSR Sandbox

Graeme Davis collates his back catalogue of articles on Freebies

Mazirian's Garden shares Good Lore/Bad Lore

Rise Up Comus gave us Pointcrawling Character Creation

Half Again as Much shares The Seas of Heaven and the Moons of Hell

Dice Goblin writes on Medieval Religion in your TTRPG Setting

Sam Sorensen gives us Ten Tangible Tips For Editing Your RPG Manuscript

If Our Lives Be Short, Let Our Fame Be Great asks whither 3e's skills?

Benign Brown Beast gives us Recovered: Two Flavors of Horror and Six Anomalous Media

Rise Up Comus shares How to write new abilities

Coins and Scrolls gives us OSR: High-Level Ilusionist Spell Rewrites

Draw the Rest of the Owlbear shares Foes of the Tower Lands: Weapons

Crab Dungeon writes Fear and Hunger Takeaways

Knicks & Knacks gives us Roll Cat

Archon's Court shares The City of Gateway, Two GLOG Classes (sort of) and a Sign I Play Too Much D&D

Crab Dungeon gives us Blog Signposts

four letters at random shares Scenes in RPGs

Mazirian's Garden shared Pleasures of the OSR: Secrecy and Discovery

Dead Tree, No Shelter gives us A Few Magic Swords

Loot The Room wrote Form and Structure: The DNA of Adventure Modules

Planets & Monsters writes Why We Suck at Critiquing the Forge

Murkdice shares Hexelevation

ChicagoWiz's RPG Blog gave us Dispelling a myth - Sandbox prep

Fail Forward gives us Language in the Wasteland

Grognardia shares Retrospective: Sabre River

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