09 September 2024

Shiny TTRPG links #189

Busy week, lots of links! For even more, see the previous list found here or you can check the RPG Blog Carnival or on Third Kingdom Games news roundup. Originally inspired by weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links.

Goblin Punch writes Lessons from Elden Ring

Zzarchov Kowolski responds The forgotten element of adapting Dark Souls

Roll to Doubt gives us “Against” On-Boarding

Kontent Punch shares My Best Mistakes

How to Start a Revolution in 21 Days or Less gave us On Randomness In Character Generation, and Why Old School D&D Is Awesome For New Players

d4 Caltrops gives us B/X Procedural Flow Charts

Smithsonian Magazine gives us How Dungeons & Dragons Sparked a Revolution in How We Play Just About Everything

Necromancers Killed our Master Club writes ...Just taxes (Alternatives to Death)

The Igneous Chronicles gives us Lazy Regional Encounters

The Blue Bard gives us Unwinnable Situations

Play What You Want gives us The Golden Age of Living Campaigns (for Me Anyway)

The Foot of Blue Mountain asks Why Do We Manage Resources?

Fae Errant writes How to Cozy RPG

glorified notepad gives us Solutions are for Players

QuasiWizard shares Empty Rooms Should be Just That and the 5 Room Dungeon

All Dead Generations shared Classic Vs. Five Rooms

Sirly Whirly Blog gives us A distributed campaign for Cloud Empress: the Land of Cicadas

The Lizard Man Diaries proposes Low is good Attribute Scores for roll high Attribute Tests!

BASTIONLAND gives us Unknightly Rulers

d4 Caltrops shares d100 - Retainer Refusals & Hireling Hang-Ups

Campaign Mastery gives us Order In The Sandbox

Behind the Helm gives us A Table of Connections: Random Encounters in Cities

Fail Forward writes on Dungeon Durability

Welcome to the Deathtrap gives us World Building is a Complimentary but Separate Hobby to RPGs

Monsters and Manuals shares The Sun as an Evil God

The Nothic's Eye gives us Spell Catalysts


Rise Up Comus shares Lists of cool things

Crab Dungeon gives us Coffin of Souls

W.H Arthur hosts Folklore Jam 2024

Technical Grimoire reviews The Immaculate Vibes of Barkeep on the Borderlands

Weird Wonder gives us Social Contracts Shall Be Splintered

Have Space Princess, Will Travel wrote BROSR Principles: A Primer

The Wyrd asks What is a literary RPG?

Heat Death gives us Orc is Man To Orc

Glen Weldon on NPR writes Dungeons, Dragons and shoulder pads: Why I loved D&D as a closeted teen


  1. where are u getting the links nowadays? reddit thread is down, right?

    1. I had not spotted they scrubbed the last one off the pinned links. If I find the will I might try and start that back up again.

      Actual sources for blogs these days - feeds on Mastodon and Bluesky, the blogroll on the OSR discord, rummaging in peoples sidebars - and the best is when old stuff gets brought up in discussions wherever 'you should check out' and it is some gem from 2012 that I would never have found otherwise.

  2. I see tons of new blogs. Which is awesome
