26 September 2024

Field Report: The Arcanists Tavern

Stopped into the Arcanist's Tavern in near Hoxton in London. Billed as "London's first immersive tabletop gaming cafe" I found out about it through Wyrd Science #6 and since I was in London for work I thought to check it out. I caught up with an old gamer pal for a couple of drinks - both of us, ridiculously travel shocked so we weren't exactly up for taking full advantage of the facilities, but it was more of a recon for like, what is this place? The premise sounds awesome but how is it actually?

The place has an upstairs bar/cafe/board-gaming space, the downstairs is the wargaming/TTRPG space. On this occassion we mostly sat upstairs, admiring the giant wall of games and acknowledging that if we were less shattered there were many things we would have gone for. I also had a pint of the tastiest stour I have had in ages, really nice. Overall the place was busy while we were there on a random Wednesday, there seemed to be two shifts of folk in, an early evening bunch and a later bunch and when we packed it in at ten there were still folk chucking dice about in full flow. Vibe was very chill and relaxed, lots of folk running games, including what looked like another TTRPG session running in the upstairs space. A strong 'dark wood walls with weird things mounted on it' vibe wich is just what you want. Lots of nooks about the place for quieter games if you wanted too.

They have a fairly large table space in the upstairs that you take games out of the giant board games library. There's a bar with a couple of available drinks, a selection of pizza's, toasties and nibbles to eat - good to get you through your session. The board games library was a giant wall of games with a great selection of stuff in it. There were some properly chunky ones in there - bless the optimism of someone who's going to pull Twilight Imperium down off of board games library and get stuck in - that game is a full working day worth of play! Plenty of other good ones there too.

Off on the other side you could buy TTRPG stuff - I was very amused to see that there was a copy of Where the Wheat Grows Tall on their little sort of side shelf of indie games. That was cool.

The downstairs has a ton of space for playing war games. Lots of big tables, good space around them in there. There were also six kind of booths for RPGs that each had a private dining niche sized space - imagine that double depth, double width of a family dining table. Not a huge amount of space around the sides, enough to get in and out, but maximised for table-top space. Heavy theatre-curtains close off the front and that would be your space.

There are some fairly significant add ons and widgets like screen-in-table that intrigue me - I would be interested to try out this hardware-heavy mode of play with digital maps and all the good elements of digital gaming there on the table. My standard playing away from home model is pretty light, meeples-and-scribbled maps, it would be fun to test out.

Not super cheap but looked like decent value for the effort gone into it. I think next time I'm back I'll be trying to pull together a table and try it out for real.

I like that this space exists, in fairness in the big bad city of London you can find anything, but I like that this particular little niche is well served, long may it last.

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