04 September 2024

It Came From Beyond Time - RPG Blog Carnival Wrap Up

And so we conclude the August 2024 RPG Blog Carnival - our topic was "It Came From Beyond Time!" - on my mind was the strange effects of long life and magic can have in dredging things up from the deep past and hurl them into your current campaign.

We got responses from:

Sea of Stars on time in their campaign world and who keeps the records.

Foreign Planets with the Ape race-as-class with a glorious d100 random advancements table.

VDonnut Valley with A few treasures of distant past - even more irreplaceable than merely precious or powerful.

Elemental Reductions wrote On Temporal Displacement on the why and how they have used elements of their dungeon project to convey the sense of ancient time.

My own entry has d10 + d6 + d6 ways things from the deep past can return to haunt or save your campaign

You can find some deeper background on the RPG Blog Carnival on 'of Dice and Dragons'. Our next topic is going to be "Wondrous Weapons and Damning Dweomers" hosted by Attronarch's Athenaeum.

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