06 October 2021

NPC mannerisms: d66 animal-folk attitudes

tl;dr: for quick and easy animal-folk cultures watch nature videos or try the d66 table below

Sparked by a twitter poll by Macca the DM asking "Do you include anthropomorphic animals in your #ttrpg games?" I was surprised to see such support for animal-folk. At a first guess, I would have said 'Yes' and 'Only RAW' would be switched.

As alluded to when answering Vayras setting questions I both use a lot of animal-folk in my home campaign and am conscious of the risk of them feeling like 'humans with different heads'. My home game is a menagerie world with 73 species/ancestries rocking about the main city combined from d50 fantasy races from Skerples and the race-oids from Lizardman Diaries Infinigrad, the Endless City and most NPCs are randomly determined unless it is plot-critical (the elven ambassador is going to be an elf).

The oracular dice had established certain groups as dominant within the city when it was first created and then those were run into most as the player interacted with some districts more than others. I recently pinged my players to see if any of the groups had been encountered frequently enough that an impressions of 'what this bunch are like' had stuck. The response was 'partial' as not many of the groups had been encountered sufficiently often for patterns to be established and for some, other factors beyond their personal heritage drove their identity.

Palace Guard Fizz, a spider-ling by Evlyn Moreau

Of groups where an impression was formed:
1. Hawklings had come across as honorable types who know their strengths and play to them.
2. Spiderlings left an impression of subtle (or sneaky in a good way) mimes.
3. Weaselings seem to enjoy their creature comforts
4. Elves tend to be self confident and competent in their field of focus
5. Tieflings are cheerfully ruthless about how things get done
6. Tabaxi have notably cat-like traits
7. Dragonborn are all marked by their poor treatment at the hands of the ruling class

For these groups - excepting elves, tieflings and dragonborn - inspiration for mannerisms and traits came from nature videos, from spiders signaling to falcons swooping to weasels playing. As an easy short-hand it is great to get started and in a somewhat 'fake it til you make it' fashion, after sufficient time acting like that, the motivations for their actions grow organically in game.

There were also many of the animal folk groups where only a single member (if any) had been interacted with in detail due to random chance so it is known only to me whether (for instance) all batlings are like that or that one guy is just a pain in the neck.

What surprised me when I started discussing perceptions of NPCs at the table was that a whole series of other factors has become clear over the campaign.
1. Sufficiently high level wizards are a species all to themselves. Weird being the most frequently used descriptor
2. Temple devotees and clerics become 'of their temple' and those habits and ways over-ride the idiosyncracies of their heritage
3. The noble houses have their own ways, similar to the temples, where it was difficult to tell if that family was representative

Palace Guard Grinbit, a badger-ling by Evlyn Moreau

I wrote up a couple of things to put in the toolkit for easy NPCs here.

In the absence of a greater attitude driver - temple membership, being a noble or a wizard, etc. - the table below offers some baseline 'animalfolk attitudes' to try and avoid the 'humans with a mask on' problem. Their mechanical modifers can be found on the original d50 fantasy races from Skerples and the race-oids from Lizardman Diaries Infinigrad.

d66 Group Animalfolk Attitude
1,1 Aquatics Eel-ling Happy to dwell in their niche, hates change
1,2 Aquatics Fish-ling Defensive, slow to trust, wanderers
1,3 Aquatics Jelly-ling Live-and-let-live,
1,4 Aquatics Slobberer Venturesome, patient, tough
1,5 Avian Hawk-ling Patient, watchful, decisive
1,6 Avian Magpie-ling Greedy, gregarious, smart
2,1 Avian Owl-ling Wise, solitary, taciturn
2,2 Avian Raven-ling Gregarious, gossipy, craftsfolk and collectors
2,3 Critters Apeish Cheerful, private, hospitable
2,4 Critters Bat-ling Adventurous, impatient, quarrelsome
2,5 Critters Boar-ling Traditionalist, like things as they should be, violent
2,6 Critters Deer-ling Proud, nervous, like big displays
3,1 Critters Fox-ling Cunning, energetic, mischevous
3,2 Critters Frog-ling Slippery, observant, adaptable
3,3 Critters Goat-ling Hard-headed, placid but fierce when roused
3,4 Critters Hound-ling Loyal, reckless, nosy
3,5 Critters Possum-ling Talkative, oblique, reckless
3,6 Critters Rabbit-ling Clannish, traditionalist, hospitable
4,1 Critters Rat-ling Collectivist, welcoming, panicky
4,2 Critters Sloth-ling Slow, wise, hard to interest in todays troubles
4,3 Critters Toad-ling Contrarian, patient, observant
4,4 Critters Weasel-ling Gregarious, energetic, like practical jokes
4,5 Critters Whiskered Man Proud, curious, lazy when not intrigued by something
4,6 Insectoid Ant-ling Focussed, pedantic, uncomfortable with dissent
5,1 Insectoid Beetle-ling Resilient, cheerful, set in their ways
5,2 Insectoid Black Eyes Curious, risk-takers, love secrets
5,3 Insectoid Cockroach-ling Terrible manners, adaptable, welcoming
5,4 Insectoid Flea-ling Subtle, polite, impeccable social senses
5,5 Insectoid Fly-ling Diligent, persistent, forthright
5,6 Insectoid Scrabman Organised, like rituals and traditions
6,1 Insectoid Slug-ling Adaptable, venturesome, cheerful
6,2 Insectoid Spider-ling Quick, taciturn, creative
6,3 Insectoid Worm-ling Quiet, keep to themselves, nervous around strangers
6,4 Plant Cacti Enduring, defensive, traditionalist
6,5 Saurial Lizard-ling Practical, hates cold, anti-social
6,6 Saurial Scaled Man Flighty, distracted, excited by new things


  1. "The oracular dice had established certain groups as dominant within the city when it was first created"

    Would love more info on this. What system qre you using for oracles?

    1. So this was something I ran up myself - I took all the playable species, added dragon-blooded and animal-lings and then tweaked the weights so that the 73 species filled a % table - everything from the PHB got double weighted, humans got x 6 to be the universal solvent group and then I had a table of 1-6 human, 7-8 dragon-blooded, 9-10 Brassbones (Warforged), 11-12 Bugbear etc. up to 100.

      From that, each district in the city got ~ 3 rolls - a big district within the walls turned out to have fox-lings, rabbit-lings, fairen and aasimar as its inhabitants.

      This combined with the district character as rolled up on the Infinigrad tables (from Lizardman Diaries) got me the district activities so I declared those groups were the ones running that aspect of the city.

      I ended up using this table whenever an NPC turned up which was a great randomiser for me and lead to some memorable folk like the eel-ling Ioun cultist, the hobgoblin smiths guild and a tortle master sorcerer.
