13 December 2021

Shiny TTRPG links #46

Shiny TTRPG links gathered from across the internets. More can be found on the previous list found here. The original inspiration for all of this - weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links. You can find still more links on the weekly blogroll on r/OSR.

Continuing to point to the D&D Research Wizards Tabletop RPG 2021-2022 Survey which is still open. This years topics include: Covid-19's impact on TTRPGs, Education and TTRPGs, Online Play Behavior and Future Tech and TTRPGs. Some initial cuts of the data can be seen on their site.

Daily Adventure Prompts has 'High Tea and Higher Treason' - a fun set up for intrigue.

Weaver.skepti.ch on introducing a new generation to Fighting Fantasy

The latest series from A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry on Fortifications is great (3 parts so far).

Knight at the Opera writes A Thorough Look at Skill Challenges ranging across D&D editions and other RPG systems.

Building Bhakashal - Finding Holes in Plot Armor - a great discussion of game mechanics to deliver specific effects.

The Commoner's Stat Array, or 'That's not how averages work!' by u/EgoIsTheMindKiller.

Some nice thinking from Alchemist Nocturne on Why OSR - highlighting the adventure-generating engine that drives OSR games.

Lapidary Ossuary writes Quality Reusable Traps (d6)

The Gibbering Blog gives us Strict Time Records Are Not Kept on how time in mythic places is malleable.

Bringing Back Magical Research by The Gibbering Blog

Fortress of Dust has "The Horned Folk" - beastfolk with a d12 rumour generator and 3xd6 traits table.

Shuttered Room ponders Low Armour Settings.

d100 Unusual Thief Ablities by d4 Caltrops - can be mechanics, could be an NPC generator.

Thinking about “Dungeons” and Crawls in a Classical Philippine setting by Goobersnuts

Revenant's Quill writs up "How I prep for games" and "How I run games" - always good to see a DM's process laid out.

Axian Spice reviews a Groats-Worth of Grotesques a big bestiary for OSR games.

1d10 Random Telepathic Encounter Table For Any Science Fantasy Game on Swords & Stitchery


Don't Split the Party writes up their Epic Adventures: A Few Examples

Sly Flourish writes a nice piece on Non-Focal, Past, Future, and Combined Random Encounters

Bookish Magic on Weaver.skepti.ch

Objective Differentiation on Bastionland - making each PC feel different with different objectives.

How To Set A DC in a D20 Dungeon Game on Mindstorm

Links found from the Glatisant - well worth subscribing if you are not already - Urth simulacrum generates Dying Earth locations and Hexroll is a hex map creator by Pen Dice Paper.

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