04 December 2021

Data driven Appendix P: 3xd100 NPC party generation tables

tl;dr: NPC party generation tables to match what people are actually playing as PCs

Inspired by Appendix P of the AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide - for “Creating a Party on the Spur of the Moment” - as discussed by the Mystical Trash Heap just recently. This is a deep dive back to the question that started this blog in the first place - what if randomly encountered NPC parties reflected what players actually play, not what you can generate from the DMG.

So the following are some tables if you want to roll up a party of NPCs that reflect what you might expect to encounter, assuming a group of classed NPCs (reflecting the typical game table). If you want to roll up your own the following tables have 'Core' derived from D&D Beyond and 'Alternative' based on forum surveys. Typical table size is five.

For race/class combinations reflective of what is typically played roll d100:
NPC Class/Race Core Alternate
Human Fighter 1 to 5 1 to 5
Elf Ranger 6 to 8 6 to 7
Human Wizard 9 to 11 8 to 11
Human Rogue 12 to 14 12 to 14
Elf Rogue 15 to 17 15 to 16
Elf Wizard 18 to 19 17 to 19
Human Cleric 20 to 21 20 to 23
Human Paladin 22 to 23 24 to 27
Human Warlock 24 to 25 28 to 29
Tiefling Warlock 26 to 27 30 to 31
Human Monk 28 to 29 32 to 33
Human Ranger 30 to 31 34 to 36
Half-Elf Bard 32 to 33 37 to 39
Elf Druid 34 to 35 40 to 41
Half-Elf Warlock 36 to 37 42
Dwarf Cleric 38 to 39 43 to 44
Human Sorcerer 40 to 41 45 to 46
Elf Fighter 42 to 43 47
Half-Orc Barbarian 44 to 45 48
Goliath Barbarian 46 to 47
Halfling Rogue 48 to 49 49 to 51
Human Barbarian 50 to 51 52 to 53
Human Bard 52 to 53 54 to 55
Half-Elf Sorcerer 54 to 55 56 to 57
Dwarf Fighter 56 to 57 58 to 59
Half-Elf Rogue 58 to 59 60 to 61
Elf Monk 60 62 to 63
Dragonborn Paladin 61 64
Tiefling Sorcerer 62 65 to 66
Dragonborn Fighter 63 67
Gnome Wizard 64 68
Elf Cleric 65 69
Half-Orc Fighter 66 70
Dwarf Barbarian 67 71
Human Druid 68 72
Elf Sorcerer 69
Elf Warlock 70 73
Aasimar Paladin 71
Half-Elf Fighter 72
Tiefling Rogue 73
Half-Elf Paladin 74 74
Dragonborn Barbarian 75 75
Tiefling Bard 76 76
Dragonborn Sorcerer 77 77
Half-Elf Ranger 78
Goliath Fighter 79
Aasimar Warlock 80
Aasimar Cleric 81 78
Half-Elf Cleric 82 79
Elf Bard 83 80
Halfling Bard 84 81
Half-Elf Wizard 85
Dwarf Paladin 86
Half-Elf Druid 87 82
Genasi Monk 88
Aarakocra Monk 89
Tiefling Wizard 90
Aasimar Sorcerer 91
Dragonborn Warlock 92
Genasi Sorcerer 93
Genasi Fighter 94
Elf Paladin 95
Halfling Ranger 96 83
Tiefling Paladin 97 84
Tiefling Fighter 98 85
Halfling Fighter 99 86
Gnome Rogue 100 87
Half-Orc Paladin 88
Tiefling Cleric 89
Halfling Monk 90
Dwarf Wizard 91
Halfling Wizard 92
Dwarf Druid 93
Halfling Warlock 94
Halfling Cleric 95
Tiefling Monk 96
Dragonborn Bard 97
Halfling Druid 98
Gnome Fighter 99
Aasimar Monk 100

If you want to roll up class or race seperately then d100 on the following:
Core Alternate
Wizard 1 to 8 1 to 11
Warlock 9 to 17 12 to 21
Rogue 18 to 28 22 to 31
Fighter 29 to 41 32 to 40
Cleric 42 to 49 41 to 50
Paladin 50 to 56 51 to 58
Bard 57 to 63 59 to 65
Sorcerer 64 to 70 66 to 72
Druid 71 to 76 73 to 78
Ranger 77 to 84 79 to 84
Monk 85 to 91 85 to 90
Barbarian 99 91 to 95
Artificer 100 96 to 100

For Race:
Race Core Alternate
Human 1 to 22 1 to 18
Elf 23 to 36 19 to 31
Half-Elf37 to 46 32 to 41
Dwarf 47 to 53 42 to 47
Tiefling54 to 60 48 to 54
Dragonborn61 to 67 55 to 59
Halfling68 to 72 60 to 65
Genasi 73 to 76 66 to 67
Half-Orc77 to 81 68 to 71
Gnome 82 to 85 72 to 75
Goliath 86 to 88 76 to 77
Aasimar 89 to 92 80
Aarakocra93 to 95 81
Tabaxi - 82
Warforged 96 84
Firbolg - 85
Tortle 97 86
Kenku - 87
Changeling - 88
Lizardfolk 98 89
Other (DM Choice)99 to 100 90 to 100

Sources include:

Reddit Subclass survey
D&D Beyond (via Bell of Lost Souls)
Giant in the Playground Forum subclass survey
2014 D&D Survey
2019 D&D Survey

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