05 August 2024

Shiny TTRPG links #184

Interesting links from about the TTRPG space. For yet more links, see the previous list found here or you can check the RPG Blog Carnival or on Third Kingdom Games news roundup. Originally inspired by weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links.

AUTOCRATIK Announced #RPGaDAY2024 for August

Attronarch's Athenaeum writes Fight On! issue 15 now available

Unordinary Tales gives us Campaign: Background Connections

Rise Up Comus shares Everybody wants to be initiated, nobody wants to be tricked

Lonely Star gives us NPC Attitude, or Why Social Rolls Bother Me So Much Sometimes

swordshapedleaves shares my best prep tip as a DM

Cavegirl writes I see we're talking about XP!

All Wizards Are Bastards

thydungeongal shares what the rules of modern D&D actually say the game is trying to achieve

Mythic Mountain Musings gives us A tale of two Sandboxes

elsewhere, elsewhere shares Dungeon Erasure

Fail Forward gives us Stranding the Wilderness Part 2 - Constructions

Orla Walsh on RTE.ie writes The many mental health benefits of playing Dungeons and Dragons

Monsters and Manuals gives us Of Blue Wizards and Caspian's Friends: Practical and Conceptual Problems with the Haystack Campaign

Dice in the North shares Write It

QuasiWizard gives us Some Types of Alchemy

Save vs. Worm shares The World of King of Kings: The Kingdom of the Straits

trupowieszcz gives us 101 evil schemes for dnd from the dragon magazine annual from 2000

Dice in the North shares Monsters Can't See Pink

dankdungeonsrpg gives us FEAR

False Machine writes A friendless, fingerless mind.

Sirly Whirly Blog gives us One campaign, many GMs, no bookkeeping

The Nothic's Eye shares Heartless (Class: Wizard of Outshire)

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