31 August 2024

RPG-a-Day Speedrun

We got the RPG-a-Day done by Autocratik again this year - I've been hesitant to push them out over socials because I see a lot of snarling about feed-jamming - but the Gartopia discord for Garblag Games has been doing them in a quiet channel and it has been fun so I am collating them here:
Below are the prompts and my answers:
1 - First RPG bought this year - Knave 2e (by payment processed) or Qelong (actual new purchase in FLGS)
2 - Most recently played - 5e (Friday night D&D)
3 - Most often played RPG - 5e (33/49 sessions thie year)
4 - RPG with great art - A Thousand Thousand Islands zines
5 - RPG with great writing - Veins of the Earth
6 - RPG that is easy to use - 5e since everyone knows it? A 5e table fills in a heartbeat, any other system you have to sell it.
7 - RPG with 'good form' - Good Society
8 - An accessory you appreciate - DM screen my home campaign players made for me - big fancy dragon on the front, portraits of the PCs on the initiative trackers, its awesome

9 - An accessory you'd like to see - for VTT's some kind of 'mask and voice' filter that would allow a DM to appear as whatever NPCs - runs as part of a VTT. We have a million daft instagram filters, this should be doable. Even pop-up static portrait and a voice-changer would be cool.
10 - RPG you'd like to see on TV - All my answers are D&D setting answers - I'd love to see either the Mystara setting (Princess Ark) or Spelljammer (or even MtG Weatherlight) tested to see if fantasy flying-ship Star Trek could work.
11 - RPG with well supported one-shots - Dungeon Crawl Classic - famous for its starter funnels.
12 - RPG with well supported campaigns - B/X? If we count it as the lingua franca of the OSR then all the megadungeons like Barrowmaze, Rappan Athuk, Stonehell, Castle Xyntillian etc are a bunch of campaigns
13 - Evocative environments - Veins of the Earth - atomic bees....
14 - Compelling characters - SLA industries - Halloween Jack et al
15 - Great character gear - Dr Grordborts Scientific Adventure Violence - your weapons are gear - your spellcasting uses gear! Your skills are more gear! (though the original 40k Rogue Trader had great gear, tons of which imply it should have been used as a TTRPG not just a wargame)
16 - Quick to learn - Just reading Knave 2e; seems pretty straightforward. Anything without complex character classes and huge spell lists...?
17 - An engaging RPG community - Gartopia which actually ran this - though for me the RPGVienna forum is absolutely where I engage most to get my gaming in with the regular Friday night games.
18 - Memorable moment of play - Recent Rime of the Frostmaiden game where my wizard took dragonbreath to the chest for an insta-kill; took the red slaadi tadpole that was about to hatch down with me, the little sod.
19 - Sensational session - As a player - fighting an Abyssal prince at the mid-point of Out of the Abyss. Deathly silent round the table as the dice decided our face.
20 - Amazing adventure - 'Plague City' game where our party of intrepid heroes ventured forth, tracked down the cultists and then were ready to go 'ok, so let us send word to the King so he can send someone to deal with this' ... and came to the horrified realisation that we *were* the help and there was no more coming.
21 - Classic campaign - Enemy Within. It has been a few years but the randomly rolled characters combined with horrific events that hammer their weak-spots make very memorable gaming.
22 - Notable non-player character - Aubrey, tiefling captain of the guard in my home campaign, player favourite
23 - Peerless player - one buddy is a masterful rules lawyer but uses his powers for good - helping people realize what they want their chars to be, counselling but not directing the plays in fights and generally using their grip on the details to support rather than face down the DM's he plays with. I appreciate it all the more because his unhelpful equivalents are far more common.
24 - Acclaimed advice - recognising that world-building is one activity, game prep is another similar but not the same one
25 - Desirable dice - I love the UVG incredibly unreadable roman numeral ones - those as a Zocchi set would be amazing.
26 - Superb screen - See answer #8. If I have to give a new one, then the classic AD&D Planescape DM screen
27 - Marvellous miniature - I love the aesthetic of the Folk Horrors from Garden of Hecate
28 - Great gamer gadget - clothes pegs as initiative trackers, simple but genius
29 - Awesome app - Beyond20 - plugging Roll20 and D&D Beyond together
30 - Person you'd like to game with - Matt Colville and the MCDM crew - in particular continuing The Chain.
31 - Game or gamer you miss - I've had the great good fortune to still be in touch with pretty much all the gamers I've played with and grace of this new era of VTT gaming we've played more together in the past three years than the 15 before that - so happily, no answer for this one.

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