24 August 2024

August Blog Bandwagon: Setting Pitch for the Lizard Kingdom Deeps

tl:dr; I wanna run an explo campaign because I have a map too cool to never see the light of day.

This is bandwagoning in after The Foot of Blue Mountain Setting Post! Talking About the Spokelands and Draw the Rest of the Owlbear Setting Pitch for the Tower Lands, seasoned with some of Matt Colvilles campaign pitch formatting.

The Pretentious Doc / Region Info / Pitch:

The Lizardfolk built a great empire, said to encompass most of the world. It is said they ventured forth from the steaming depths of the land that lies deep below the levels of the sea. Noone is sure because for centuries they have been walled in behind the dragons who lair along their borders. The dragons have gone, who knows for how long before the probing of a brave or foolhardy few revealed the borders were now passable.

Art by Evlyn Moreau

Tales come back, of dwarfholds conquered and abandoned, of cities of the lizardfolk consumed by the jungles, of towering walls to keep away titanic lizards, of great fish drawn from oceans beneath the earth, of impossible flying creatures that soar the abyssal forests.

The more learned say that something has happened, a shift among the lizardfolk, that has them abandon their old borderlands.

Now adventurers, both crown sponsored and freelance, venture forth to see gold and glory is now free for the taking.

The Player Doc / Player Buy-in

Sandbox Adventure in a Mysterious Jungle Empire

Summary of campaign style: Exploration, Mystery, Deep Time, Factions, Ruins

The scaled-lands are the high-standing border lands between the lands you come from and the deep abyssal basin where the lizardfolk dwell

Blank basin map by Evlyn Moreau

Mechanically this would be an large roster of players, run when there are at least three, aiming to be as close to episodic 'ending back at base' as possible.

Ruleset - would love to try Shadowdark, could go with 5e with gritty realism if that is what people prefer.

Shop Talk
Combat: Medium
Roleplay: High
Travel: High
Starting Level: 1

This is a resurrection of old campaign material - but less a rework of the setting and more a repositioning of the start point to put the players in the thick of it directly. This is me slamming the levers over and going straight to the good stuff - the deep abyss...

I did a bunch of work in this setting, first setting up the original Lizard Kings game which flared out ~ 5 years ago and culminating in a NaNoWriMo novel draft in November 2019. I got art including maps done for this by OSR luminary Evlyn Moreau. Part of the motivation for all this is to finally be able to bring out the magnificent map she did of the lizardfolk imperial core - the completed version of the structural form above.

Art by Evlyn Moreau

Despite all this world-building, one thing I would love to deploy kicking this off would be Beak, Feather + Bone to collaboratively build a starting city.

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