13 April 2022

Slushpile - Evernote spring cleaning edition

Inspired by these meltings of the slush glacier and other similar postings I present some backlog sweepings that perhaps someone may find gold in.

1. More lizardfolk culture - 100 words for heat; the stones conductive properties become emotions - the emotions become attitudes and outlooks
2. Magical back blast (grimdark, radiation equivalent)
3. Sigil character building though location generation
4. d6 pain crazed antagonists
5. The campaign implied from randomly selected house-rules
6. Visual iconography of alien animals, simplified for ritual codes
7. colony of versions who live together: clone, upload, simulacra, etc. are happy to spend their time together but separate (sitting around reading books, playing games, not-interacting in same room). Galaxy of selves. Echo chamber of not dealing with outsiders
8. Character travels galaxy with a pair of data cores worn as earrings or other piece jewelery. This is, as they are aware, "displaying the skulls of my enemies". They are pursued by others for those datacores seeking to ressurect the thing that was killed - a ship / world / whatever.
9. Extraterrestrial animal zodiac - symbols of certain aspects & attributes - introduce wierd, ancient, sometimes extinct animals to earth
10. Daniel Jackson esque Dwarven scholar to be escorted to treasure hall. Lifting the volcanic cores from outlying forge complexes. Volcano cores – superheat – unsafe to move except at certain facilities
11. Ruins visible from working city - light discipline to remain secret - tension point with natives when newcomer spoils it
12. The incrementing engine where a study or a code crack is being done by sheer brute force. A clearing in a jungle where pieces of a summoning grid are being moved around by zombies/drone tractors to gradually work through the possible permutations of the grid to figure out the correct arrangement
13. Transposed Earth finds itself with moons, Mars etc all covered with relics and ruins -  a flosting space hulk, etc - all signs of an ancient dino-type culture that thrived, then was wiped out.
14. Respect the Elders: old means badass; steady accrual of tricks, contacts, assets, wisdom. No such thing as incompetent old folk out here - infirm get shipped home, lazy retire home, idiots & the weak get dead
15. The Antiquarians: "It just takes one bad link to break the chain to eternity" - people who have signed up with aliens forcibly removing Earths heritage as we cannot guarantee to be good stewards 
16. "be scarier than the darkness, strap on fanged mask and jet bike and plunge into the alien swarm catacombs"
17. Aliens treating the swarm worlds where every things is available as living in a lost and found office or living in a supermarket. Tons and tons of things, more than they could ever possibly want and for the most part they ignore it because it is not useful to them day to day.
18. A dead galaxy is no use to anyone. This is why you need boots on the ground. You need true believers. People on the world have to accept that you are the victor, that your paradigm is the true paradigm. If you wipe out the planets and leave nothing between the stars except dust, then there is noone to believe and the dreamland is dead. There is no energy to draw on, there is nothing to do.
19. a place that has descended into a post apocalyptic anarchy where high technology is used without any comprehension. Initial encounter is the new arrivals watching someone using a magic sword or "soul sword" and in fact they are waving around a particulalry sharp chunk of computer memory and the soul encoded on that is the thing that is generating most the effects.
20. Appendix N comparison for different gaming communities - Ireland, Australia any different to whats in the US original?

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