06 April 2022

d6 elements of the old hoard

Suggestions to be found in the old hoard, inspired by recent personal adventures.

1.A few things the hoard owner themselves collected as precious, then surpassed - priceless antiques now but less than the treasures the owner was known for creating.
2.The hoard owners early works including many lateral things to what they are known for, some useful precursor materials. A lot is irrelevant, much of this is basic level but for those looking to unlock their later works, these are the rosetta stones.
3. A complete set of second tier treasures, good, unusual stuff, within the hoard owners expertise but not what they are known for. Valuable, prone to be doubted by those without deep expertise but even more precious to true experts who understand how rare these abandoned lines of work are.
4. Working copies of early works, damaged and worn due to hard use. May have interesting notes and marginalia from the hoard owner. Likely to be stained and stinking, some small chance they are impregnated with poisons or intoxicants.
5. The core collection - the really valuable stuff that was too heavy or awkward to move, that was left in secure storage for later recovery but, for whatever reason, was never taken. This is incredibly valuable, the signature stuff the hoard owner is known for, well-stored, well-defended and difficult to move without damaging.
6. Ancillary gifts - elements relevant to the core collection and contemporary to these works, these are gifts and trades from peers. These will have many famous names and be valuable in their own right but wildly heterogenous with the only common factor being the time they were in circulation.

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