09 October 2024

Hidden depth of domain encounters (GLoGtober 3 '24)

Taking on Glass Candles GLoGtober '24, challenge #2 is from a list by Vivanter - "An encounter table for domain-level play."

So for this I thought of the many things that would crop up in domain play and thought I would have another go at a universal chart. For a domain level game, the problems scale up but the boons also change. For me domain level means 'so big, the king needs to send ...' either the cavalry or the tax wagons because it makes a difference on the scale of hundreds to thousands of people. The problems, if left unattended would threaten the viability of the realm itself. The type of stuff even high level adventurers would get out of bed for.

I blocked things out into a couple of groups
Catastrophes - big, rare things going very wrong in the deep wilds
Bad Times - things that hit 'civilization'
Critters - all the usual sorts of monsters but more of them or bigger.
Pesky Humans - people, either the neighbours or outlaws, being the nuisance
Civil Matters - things happening in the towns and cities
Stars Align - other peoples magical fantasy nonsense happening to you and your realm

Then blocked out a hidden depths table with the first four blocks and filled it out to a potential d30 roll with the last group.

You could run this as a chaos clock - switching 6d4 > 4d6 > 3d8 > 2d12 > d24 > d30 as things get weirder.

ScoreRoll Group Event
2 d4d20 Stars Align Treasure hoard uncovered
2 d4d20 Catastrophe Major volcano
3 d4d20 Catastrophe Fey incursion
4 d4d20 Catastrophe Plague
5 2d12 Bad Times Terrible Weather -
6 2d12 Bad Times Crop Failures - peasants on the move
7 3d8 Critters Minor monster tribe
8 3d8 Critters Beast herds
9 3d8 Critters Bountiful harvest
10 3d8 Critters Insect swarms
11 4d6 Pesky Humans Cult outbreak
12 4d6 Pesky Humans Banditry
13 4d6 Pesky Humans Herdbeast rustling
14 6d4 Civil Matters Festival
15 6d4 Civil Matters New construction
16 6d4 Civil Matters Trade fair
17 6d4 Civil Matters Crimewave
18 6d4 Civil Matters Riots
19 4d6 Pesky Humans Raiders
20 4d6 Pesky Humans Siege
21 3d8 Critters Big Scary Individual Monster
22 2d12 Bad Times General Revolt
23 2d12 Bad Times Plague
24 d4d20 Catastrophe Divine incursion
25 d30 Stars Align Lost secrets unearthed
26 d30 Stars Align A mighty warrior arises
27 d30 Stars Align Blood War Incursion
28 d30 Stars Align A craft falls to earth
29 d30 Stars Align Titans War breaks out (giants, dragons, etc)
30 d30 Stars Align An archmage takes up a new goal

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