22 July 2023

A Book Goblins Shelves

Just ahead of moving location I thought I would share my shelfies as they currently sit (stand?) with an eye to what of all this stuff am I actually using?

Start with my desk-side reference shelf - this is the Most Frequently Used stuff. The red frame has my Ducal House folder and Southern Reaches sitting on top of it. The ragged pappers along the top at right is the Spelljammer Academy notes. The Spelljammer folder is my the Smoulderspace campaign - a Light of Xaryxis remix. The 3.5e core books are for Ducal House, the 5e books are for the rest. Worlds Without Number, Fire of the Velvet Horizon and a less visible d30 Sandbox Companion, d30 DMs Companion, Planar Adventures and Kontext Spiel Collection are mostly used to support Ducal House, sometimes Southern Reaches.
From top to bottom on my core shelving: my OG Rogue Trader from ~93, my core 5e stuff, the various things I picked up for my Hikuru campaign plus some of the first OSR things I grabbed. Of what is in this picture, the AD&D DMG got a lot of use early on, perhaps the most individually use. The 5e core books have gotten a lot of use, the modules, apart from Spelljammer, less so. Of the other stuff O drew on the Iron Kingdoms books and the Oriental Adventures books for inspiration in some short run campaign - did get some use, not for very long.
The AD&D block - mostly Spelljammer, some books from the d20 boom and my core 3.5e stuff. AD&D Spelljammer got a lot of use doing solo-ship combats; enough that the box got trashed and discarded decades ago (all the stuff is the War Captains Companion). The 3.5e core books got a lot of use during my college days, they are festooned with bookmarks if you pull them out. Of all the 3.5e expanstions, Lords of Madness and Planar Handbook got some actual use, the rest less so.
Other things grabbed from the d20 boom, some greats like Magical Medieval Society and those Forgotten Realms books. Lower block is things often picked up to inspire writing - though I did get Dark Heresy to the table for a one shot. Otherwise there was a lot of cargo-cultism in those purchases - "maybe if I get the book, I'll mysteriously find the opportunity to run one of those games". Yes, well.
Planescape! And all the other planar stuff from different sources. This is some of the most well travelled stuff - eight homes in five countries so far. And a chunk of my Dragon magazines, the oldest stuff which has so far just moved the once. Also a block of 'print-on-demand' and Kickstarter driven purchases.
My short-shelf visible in this one including my Fighting Fantasy books and lots of my OSR stuff. That blank-spined block in the middle of the top shelf is all the NOD Magazines. A lot of stuff here from the Lulu print sales.
Then lastly we have some small shelves for Dragon magazines.
Plus some Dragons that are not yet properly filed.
This was the core shelving - and then we have the stacks. This is everything I haven't gotten to grips with yet. This is the shame stuff.

Pretty sure we are at SABLE - Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy. Hopefully, with the move I will be able to rationalise my shelving and get all this properly stowed. Hardly worth fixing it here at this point. Given the level of activity in RPGVienna, with a bit of luck I can get more of this played through in the coming years.

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