12 September 2020

Differences in 5e class preferences by source

tl:dr - preferred D&D 5e player class shows distinct difference depending on whether sourced from apps/online tools or from forum response.

From digging about on the internet I pulled together a number of data sets on preferred race and class combindations of PCs over the past ~4 years (2017-2020). I wanted to see if there was a change over time but instead I found a distinct difference depending on where the data was sourced from.

First - setting everything up according to date does not show much in the way of a distinct pattern.

However once this is sorted by source type we see a difference between the relatively smooth curve of the online tools and apps (orange) and the forum survey responses.

Initial hypothesis is that there is a large block of players who just want to sit down and play that tend towards melee types - "give me my sword and board and lets roll dice!" - compared to those who answer forum surveys that show more interest in spell casters both divine and arcane.

Aggregating these into a pair of archetype finger prints weighted by the number of contributors to each source highlights this difference. A single forum response deviated significantly from the forum archetype: a survey on RPG.net in 2017 requesting only those characters that responders had played for at least 1 session.

Data sources include 2 sets of raw data (OGANM app, Reddit Subclasses 2019) and 1 estimate based on sub-forum pageviews (RPGBOT) - the others are processed outputs from the creators of those sources (e.g. the report-out by a survey creator, DnDBeyond Dev webcast, etc.)

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