At this tail end of black-friday-sales, we link some OSR staples. For more, see the previous list found here or you can check the RPG Blog Carnival or on Third Kingdom Games news roundup. Originally inspired by End of Week links.
The BLOGGIES 2024: Call for Nominations!
We have a discount code for Lulu - 30% off with HOLIDAY30
Semper Initiativus Unum recommends OSR Products on Lulu
New School Revolution has more Lulu Recommendations
dieheart also has Lulu Recommendations
Yore gives us Gaming books on that I enjoy
Old Skulling recommends RPG Books on Lulu
Attronarch's Athenaeum points to DrivethruRPG for Black Friday 2024: Select OSR Publications
Le Chaudron Chromatique gives us A Feast For A Sphinx rewrite + print edition!
Nickoten on Bluesky highlighting why Jennell Jacquays made the dungeon a master environment of storytelling
The Nothic's Eye gives us Six Dungeon Gods
dungeon doll gives us Dungeon Gods