Taking the first - how does what players (blue) do compare to what the 3.5e DMG (grey) tells us is out there?
- DMG thinks we are playing lots more rogues, clerics and wizards, much less paladins
- Lumping warlock and wizard accounts for that difference between wizards in both cases (3.5e had no warlocks, both similar magic users)
- DMG seems to think all the paladins we are playing should be clerics
- Barbarians, rangers, fighters, druids are broadly the same
- All the rogues the DMG thinks should exist are actually running monks, bards and sorcerors
Of course this compares 5e players to 3.5e DMG; I hope to check this with 3.5e data to see if it holds up.
The orange attempts an estimate from a small (N = ~50) poll in 2003 which indicates there could be a more interesting story: that not all the warlock players are wizards by another name; the theory that they are an arcane flavour of cleric e.g. drawing powers from a greater being could have something to it. More data could refute or affirm this.