22 July 2024

Shiny TTRPG links #182

Back at base after travels - an lo, more links have bloomed! For yet more links, see the previous list found here or you can check the RPG Blog Carnival or on Third Kingdom Games news roundup. Originally inspired by weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links.

Beneath Foreign Planets launches 'WORDS! Etymology, Onomatology and Linguistics' - A Blog Carnival Call-to-Arms!

Sea of Stars sums up the last Blog Carnival After the Dragon: What happens after the monster attack and after they are defeated?

DIY & dragons writes Congratulations to All the Summer Lego RPG Setting Jam Participants!

Mazirian's Garden gives us The Future of Through Ultan's Door

Playthings of Mad Gods shares Ideas That Kill You: Primer to Infohazards In TTRPGs

Silverarm Press writes Put Your RPG Campaign on a Deadline (It’ll Be Okay.)

Roles, Rules, and Rolls gives us Four-Way Wilderness Descriptions

The Retired Adventurer writes The Basis of the Game is Making Decisions

Spiceomancy shares There Are No Mundane Towers

Whose Measure God Could Not Take gives us Small Evidences (GLoG Hack + Scenario)

Roles, Rules, and Rolls shares Mass Combat 3: Delta's Book of War (and its inspiration)

Remixes and Revelations gives us OSR: The Flesh Market

The Wandering Gamist writes Swords Against Scheduling

Rise Up Comus gives us A Campaign Where There is One of Anything

A Knight at the Opera shares A True Test of Skill

Weird & Wonderful Worlds gives us Weird Genders

hex culture writes runs in the family

False Machine gives us The World of 100 Wonders

Mythic Mountain Musings shares What I would do differently as a new Classic Traveller Referee

Explorers Design gives us Dungeon Crawl Classics: Designing Old-School.

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