01 June 2024

OSR Kickstarter Trends

Ben Milton of Questing Beast did some neat work tagging kickstarter projects as OSR or not and played out some of the trends over time - see video. He generously shared his data - [edit: building upon the original dataset by Hans Messersmith] and I wanted to dig through and see what else we can see.

From the data-sheet - classification was done by:
Original = Adventures/supplements/etc. explicity for old forms of D&D; New games that are direct or near directly clones of D&D (e.g. OSE, OSRIC); adventures, supplements for those direct clones
Scene = new games considered to be part of the "OSR scene"; new games inspired by older forms of D&D; adventures/supplements/etc for those games
If a project is listed with multiple systems/games, it will be categorized as Original if at least one of the systems is Original, otherwise Scene
Reprints of actual older D&D products (e.g. the recent reprint of Caverns of Thracia by Goodman Games) are included in Original
Includes projects that started between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2023, inclusive. Therefore, some projects that started late in 2023 and ended in 2024 are included.
Listed year is the year the project started, not ended

Sticking on my analyst hat we can pull out some interesting trends. First, to recap what was shown in Questing Beasts video and give ourselves a baseline, we see an overall increase in projects for every category.

I did some work to extract the median and top quartile values of project per category to get a sense of what most projects are doing, conscious that the very large projects at the high end skew things significantly otherwise. These are in tables at the bottom of this post. We have seen the median value of project jump about but broadly converge towards the lower end of the $5k-10k bracket.
This I found somewhat surprising - I would have thought that 5e or 'other' categories, representing broader pools of players, would be higher.

Looking at top quartile kickstarters and we see a bit of seperation in 2020, 2021 that has closed up again in 2022, 2023.

But if you want the chance to really go viral and make pots of money, 5e is the place to be, having a more-than-$2m kickstarter in four of the past six years.

I had a couple of hypotheses starting this - that we would see greater difference between OSR and 5e projects across the board, not just at the top end (false) and/or that we might see a tail off in the value of 5e projects from a '5e glut' side of things (false).

The one place where we do see clear blue water between the categories is in the fraction funded - where OSR kickstarters have a 10% higher likelyhood of funding compared to the 5e and Other categories.

So If I was a market analyst, did not give a fig about anything but making money and my private equity vultures had just bought some hapless shop of content creators, I would say to them to steer towards the OSR space - your competition is lighter, your projects are going to fund 19 time out of 20 and make the same median money even if you were less likely to get your blow-out multi-million dollar campaign.

No idea why this is true but it is a pretty consistent trend. OSR stuff always was likely to fund - other things have closed the gap somewhat in the past ten years - from ~1/3 fails to 1/5 fails - but all along OSR stuff failed 1/10 times or less.

Caveats, direct from the data-sheet:
Likely missed some new RPGs that did not reach a minimum threshold of notability
Likely excludes system-neutral products that are OSR in feel but state no system and never specifically mention terms like "old-school", "OSR", "D&D" etc and thus were labeled as generic/universal
Prior to 2020, anything for 5E was ONLY listed as for 5E, even if it also was for another game
Likely human error

Data tables - all from Questing Beasts original work.
Project Count All Other 5E OSR Scene OSR Original
2023 880 633 190 71
2022 596 485 178 63
2021 793 443 111 59
2020 628 294 57 50
2019 499 228 45 28
2018 383 155 21 14
2017 317 119 16 5
2016 286 86 12 11
2015 298 42 18 3
2014 302 4 10 10

Median Value ($) All Other 5E OSR Scene OSR Original
2023 4995 4961 7667.03 5686
2022 6603 6362 7826.22 9161.9
2021 6084 10624 6254 4818
2020 5857 8849 7202 4500
2019 7820 5552 7169 3014
2018 11585 7505 20133 7743.74
2017 9552 5994 7911.12 3531
2016 11021 6891 11314 9260.24
2015 9181 5725 12530 3030
2014 9031 33541 26604.12 3135

Top Quartile ($) All Other 5E OSR Scene OSR Original
2023 15169 17969 15782.5 11937.75
2022 21843 27539 21145 21698.5
2021 19627 38962 15639.25 12885.85
2020 19010 34462 19987.275 10115
2019 28857 25041 12486.5 11383
2018 33623 23266 28068 16028.75
2017 29890 23571 19542 7042.12
2016 35919 18655 15947.5 26421.475
2015 23368 11291 21652 7719.475
2014 22207 48739 55593 6726.25

Highest Value ($) All Other 5E OSR Scene OSR Original
2023 1277356 4020234 1389313 146616
2022 2097526 2692698 481023 772956
2021 9535022 2479078 1405668 136247.28
2020 620159 1310509 223464 291550
2019 3409944 1372683 75917.9 160390
2018 581672 2610887 125614 21835.7
2017 844978 248674 192036 18410.15
2016 1316813 85161 67856 115112
2015 534734 191431 215369 12408.95
2014 672764 63937 83573 8152


  1. Important note, the data was put together by Hans Messersmith, not by me!

    1. Good point, have added edit to clarify.
