22 May 2023

Shiny TTRPG links #121

More can be found on the previous list found here. The original inspiration for all of this is weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links. You can find even more links on the newly-automated weekly blogroll on r/OSR or the RPG Blog Carnival or a roundup of non-blog news on Third Kingdom Games roundup.

Attronarch's Athenaeum collates AD&D 2e unreleased art by Tony DiTerlizzi

The Pastel Dungeon gives us Faction Alignment: A Way to Represent Faction Relations With an Alignment Grid

Mindstorm proposes Question-based Adventure Design (Q-BAD)

Adventures Buffo on Running a Materialist Campaign

The Dododecahedron writes Bring Out Yer Dead!

night_druid on The Piazza shares Night Druid’s Advice Corner: How to Make Spheres

directsun games gives us Building Better Puzzles for "Lair of the Lamb"

Wizard Thief Fighter shares UVG2E & the Synthetic Dream Machine

Halfling's Hoard has New Game Preview: What Is It That Lies Beyond The Immenseness of the Dark?

Revenant's Quill writes on Putting Heroic Relics in Ravenloft

The Ideocron of the Oracular Somnambulist gives us Random Roadside Inn Generator

The Pastel Dungeon explains Why I Run My Dungeons as Pointcrawls

Homicidally Inclined Persons Of No Fixed Address gives us Shadowdark review

Eldritch Fields writes [Solo] The Magnificent Adventuring Circus: Introduction

Leicester's Ramble on Returning to the Campaign

Axian Spice writes About Ruins of the Undercity

Spooky Rusty gives us what we talk about when we talk about game fiction

Was It Likely? writes on Iconography and Alignment: associative setting creation (ft. Scrap's faction generation)

Messages From The Far Havens gives us Klassiskt Svenskt Rollspel - KSR

False Machine gives us The Gravity of Cows

Tales of the Lunar Lands gives us Interesting Terrain for Better Combat

Rise Up Comus gives us Matrices of Blorbiness

DMDavid shares The Neglected Secret to Making Dungeons Fun to Explore

The Nothic's Eye gives us Wizard Kings of Aclas

Monsters and Manuals writes Metagaming PC Death in Old School D&D: the Party as Ship of Theseus


B/X Blackrazor writes on What High Level D&D Looks Like

Elfmaids & Octopi gives us Orders for Landed Nobility

Wanderer Bill's New Journal writes I want to be a good player

Archons March On shares Snail-Barons of the Brayreyt Peninsula

Dreams in the Lich House gives us Arise Dead Blog - I Have Need of You

The Wandering Gamist gives us Getting Started with Gauntlets to follow Gauntlets and Embracing the Funhouse Dungeon

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