06 February 2023

Shiny TTRPG links #106

Links from wanderings about the web. More can be found on the previous list found here. The original inspiration for all of this is weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links. You can find even more links on the newly-automated weekly blogroll on r/OSR or the RPG Blog Carnival or a roundup of non-blog news on Third Kingdom Games roundup.

Plastic Polyhedra provides the prompt for February 2023 RPG Blog Carnival: Procedures

Archons March On shares Mud Flood Dungeonry

False Machine writes Imagining Roteopia

Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque on The Dream of Dungeons & Dragons

Methods & Madness writes A glance at Basic D&D, B/X, and some clones (LL, OSE, BFRPG, DFB, BECMI and others)

Welcome to the Deathtrap proposes that on systems we Roll Your Own

Some interesting #dungeon23 posts:
Zedeck Siew's Writing Hours gives us COAST OF THE GOD-IN-PIECES
Bearded Devil shares more of The Apocalypse Archive 19-24

Underground Adventures asks What Kind of Animal Are You?

d4 Caltrops gives us d100 - Henchperson Habits & Follower Foibles

Cyborgs and Sorcerers writes How To Run OSR-Style Investigative Adventures

Wandering Amid the Fields proposes Die Drop World and Procedures for hexcrawling and dungeoncrawling

Whose Measure God Could Not Take gives us 15 More Magic Items

Archon's Court compiles Two More Fools Play Reports

Blood, Death, Satan & Metal writes Playing B2: Keep on the Borderlands Right

Leicester's Ramble creates A Jungle Tower

Daily Adventure Prompts shares PLANESCAPE: THE PALACE MOON

Hawkbeetle gives us Flat Earth Space Opera- Campaign Setting

Adventures Buffo shares A Dungeon Delver's Weird Packed Lunch

Glumdark gives us Dumb Cantrips for Bad Wizards (d88)

Elfmaids & Octopi shares d100 Petty Urban Hazzards

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