23 October 2024

Strange Stones from Weird Aeons (GLoGtober 6 '24)

Taking on Glass Candles GLoGtober '24, challenge #6 is from my own list - "Secrets of the Stones."

Inspired by Onion Souls idea of Magical accretion and the multiple OSR weird time epochs collected on Coins and Scrolls I was thinking about what kind of strange geology is lying around in the gameworld.

Things are plenty strange already in the real world - I have seen this burning earth with my own eyes.

So these strange deep time periods are all well and good but what actual remnants and extrusions from those times can be stumbled upon?

d10 strange rock formations from weird aeons
1. Shock planes - remnants of particularly outrageous continental drifting during the Turbozoic era, these incredibly hard, thin sheets rise high above the landscape and are extremely damage resistant
2. Fossil supercomputer - intricate circuitry from sublimbed organic supercomputers of the Svahbavan Glaciation - carefully transmutation spellwork might get you a tiny fragment of a once-godlike entity
3. Compacted stars - remnants of sloppy creationeering, discarded stars look like big geodes until they crack and suddenly you have a sun at your feet with all the problems that implies
4. Cathedral channels - remnants of holy mounds, allowing wind to blow through them will randomly cast a divine spell on a random valid target near by
5. Purging Sprite soot - a thin layer, scraped up can be blown or pasted onto things to shatter magical effects
6. Astrogenocene coal - coal-analogue from high energy biosphere - igniting, striking or otherwise disturbing in this lower-energy world causes it to chill, rust, rot and otherwise soak the energy from surrounds
7. World-eater seacucumber - looks like a fossil, is just biding its time, do not get it wet.
8. Serpentis Iradium layer - traces of the sorcerous war that made the God Serpent never have been. Exposure sickens lizard folk or other scaly-kind.
9. First necro-layer - limestone-like crushed bones of the first total victory by necromancers. Anyone foolish enough to carve or cast this into some mobile form will find they are still active
10. Rogue colours - a trapped pocket of colors from the early Great Funkadelican era, releasing long-gone hues on the world once more


  1. These are really good!

    Imma be honest I looked up to see if Turbozoic was a real thing and I don't think it is lol but I want to read more about the Turbozoic era.

    The Fossil supercomputer is also an interesting concept, I'll need to think more about it, but I feel like there's a lot more to mine there.

    I also want more of the Great Funkadelican era!

    1. Click through the Weird Time Epoch's link to Coins and Scrolls and do a link-walk through the epochs collected there - this piece is entirely derivative of the yeoman work of OSR bloggers past.
