08 May 2023

Shiny TTRPG links #119

Interesting links found around the internet this week. More can be found on the previous list found here. The original inspiration for all of this is weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links. You can find even more links on the newly-automated weekly blogroll on r/OSR or the RPG Blog Carnival or a roundup of non-blog news on Third Kingdom Games roundup.

Cavegirl's Game Stuff has Another take on demihumans as social constructs.

Chicagowiz's Games proposes Session summaries in 500 characters of less!

Codex Anathema wraps the April RPGBlogCarnival in Hemos creado un entorno

The Lair of Secrets kicks off the May RPG Carnival: Changing Gears

Wizards were on folks mind this week:
The Cosmic Orrery shared Wizards Rule The World (badly)
3d6 Polar Bears wrote Kill The Wizard (AWAB)
Coins and Scrolls gave us OSR: Eight Diseases of Wizards

Grumpy Wizard asks How Do I Play a First Level OSR Thief?

u/Shieldice gives us a D6 Wizard's Tower Generator

Alchemist Nocturne writes On Rules-lite or Rules light Chaos Magick-User gives us Fire on the Velvet Horizon | Sanguine Crane, Reaction Tables and Stats

Dreadlord Games shares Hexmap Location – Windrum Ruin

Methods & Madness gives us Fun with multiclassing (OSR)

d4 Caltrops has archive goodness in Goblin Project

Methods & Madness on Where to find me [2023]

Save vs Ennui writes dB/dX: Carne por la machina

Spooky Rusty shares How to review a zine refreshingly: Stack Gang by Orbital Intelligence LLC

Monsters and Manuals gives us Wizardknighting High Level D&D

Revenant's Quill shares Heroic Relics Part IV

The Halfling's Hoard writes on Worldbuilding

Revenant's Quill gives us Five Minute Prep Sessions

The Dragon's Library proposes Alternatives to Initiative

Technoskald's Forge gives us Depthcrawl for Into the Odd

Traverse Fantasy proposes Fivey: The Adventuring Day

Middenmurk gave us Bestiary of the Fabled Occident

My Terrible Sorcery Is Without Equal In The West gives us Intelligent Magic Items

Brynn Tannehill on DAME writes Dungeons & Dragons Is the Game We Need Now

Jeff's Game Box writes More on Guns in D&D.

Fail Forward on Power in Numbers

Welcome to the Deathtrap writes Zine Review: Black Pudding Heavy Helping vol. 1

Archon's Court shares GLOG classes Musing on the Wreck (GLOG Class: Attainder) and I Caught You (GLOG Class: Revenant)

The Other Side blog reivews FASA Doctor Who RPG: Part 1, Unboxing/Introduction

Cats Have No Lord: System-Ambivalent Tabletop Roleplaying Content has Cat TTRPG Idea #55

Eldritch Fields dashes off Science fantasy campaign with floating islands, quick notes

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