20 March 2023

Shiny TTRPG links #112

Fine links from about the net, all sorts of interesting things. More can be found on the previous list found here. The original inspiration for all of this is weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links. You can find even more links on the newly-automated weekly blogroll on r/OSR or the RPG Blog Carnival or a roundup of non-blog news on Third Kingdom Games roundup.

Goblin Punch writes Critical GLOG: Base Resolution Mechanics

SÅ¿tabhmontown Adventures expands on mini-domain turns with Merchants, heretics, and special advisors

Was It Likely? gives us the automatic sage: a legend generator for the populating of histories with fragmented wonders

Le Chaudron Chromatique shares Ghoulies replacement characters

The Lizard Man Diaries proposes Some Freeform Domain Play Guidelines/Structure

Goblin's Henchman asks Perception-like checks too transparent? | add an ‘uncertainty/opacity die’ ?

level2janitor proposes The Ticking Clock - My favorite mechanic for Death

Adventures Buffo writes Atomism in Old School Gaming

The Totality of Ygg gives us The Tesseract Maze or the Hypercube Dungeon

Giffyglyph shares the chunky Giffyglyph's Darker Dungeons

Aeons & Augauries prepares Scenario setup charts

DMDavid writes How Shadowdark Delivers Old-School D&D Intensity With Modern Game Mechanics

Mazirian's Garden compiles Dungeon23 Roundup #4: Comics Extravaganza!

The 3 Toadstools gives us Dark world

textgolem shares d100 dark souls

Jeffs Gameblog gives us Ettins weigh just under a ton.

Whose Measure God Could Not Take gives us 20-Block Dungeon Stocking

Swamp of Monsters! writes we tried estus!!!

stuff by eric nieudan has Diegetic Mechanics in TTRPGs

1D4 Dire Hamsters shares Nantrin Gorr's School of Unlearning

A world with 3d6 gives us A night at the theatre.

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