13 March 2023

Shiny TTRPG links #111

A short set this week as I have not been so online. More can be found on the previous list found here. The original inspiration for all of this is weaver.skepti.ch End of Week links. You can find even more links on the newly-automated weekly blogroll on r/OSR or the RPG Blog Carnival or a roundup of non-blog news on Third Kingdom Games roundup.

Coins and Scrolls gives us Sci-Fi: An Optimistic Setting Sketch

The Wandering Gamist writes on Oozes and Other Bunker-Buster Monsters

Goblin Punch returns with Dragons, Part 3

Sheep and Sorcery has GM Advice: Looking for Trouble

Grand Commodore shares Maximalist Weird Fantasy War Galley Generator

Pelgrane Press publishes A Taxonomy of Investigations

Wizard Thief Fighter gives us The Purchased Brother: One-Shot Heist

Against The Wicked City writes Drunken incompetent regional magnates: the purpose of aristocracies

Hex Brawler Games gives us Feuds, Divisions, and Stability in Viking Society

Wizard Thief Fighter shares Roadmap: S.E.A.C.A.T. & the Synthetic Dream Machine

Brewerssupplies gives us Revised sea monster companion subclass for the warlock

RPG VIBE writes Therapy and RPG map-making

Wizard's Alcove gives us A Simple Party Name Generator

The Sundaland RPG Setting has The Gods and Religions of Sundaland

The Underlair gives us Legend of the Pig-Faced Orc

Muffin's Batshit Ramblings writes FKR! Or: how I learned to stop worrying, and just make shit up.

The World of Philosopher Zeus gives us GM Diary: Bringing Grim Hollow and Nightfell into Aufstrag Homebrew

Methods & Madness shares 20 rumors about the City of Evil

TBD: Tabletop, Books, and Dinner gives us d12 Weird Woods

SÅ¿tabhmontown Adventures writes On Citizenship and Taxes

Tabletop Curiosity Cabinet gives us Common Misconceptions About Dwarfs

Numbers Aren't Real proposes It's Never Just a Mannequin (Metatron Spell List)

Spriggans Den has Introduction to Iridium Moons

The Realm of Zhu compiles A History of Lankhmar, or, Arranging Fritz Leibers Swords

Gundobad Games proposes Party Stances for Dungeon Turns (a Dungeon Procedure idea)


Papers & Pencils writes Flux Space

The Retired Adventurer checks in with It's been a while since I've updated this blog, so here's a brief apology

Papers & Pencils discusses Proceduralism On a Red World Alone

Jason Scott's Weblog addresses Discord, or the Death of Lore

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